Friday, March 18, 2011

Lessons 1-10

Hi. It took me almost 20 days to finish this lessons. Usually it takes beetween 2,5h for one lesson. Many times I am confused by the new english words which I don't know (english is not my mother language), like "nib" or "hacksaw" , "nail filr" or simply stupid like "awl", which I changed for "owl" , "beak" for "bow" etc.

Still I am extremaly happy that I am doing the lessons every day (usually I make 1 lesson for 2 days, plus FCs).I would like also to have the excercises for concentration from lesson 8. Can anyone could help me with that?

So from now I'll be writing everyday about my progress and problems (that can occur).



  1. Hi Yayaman,
    -For the exercises, search on Google : pmemory psycho technical exercises. And choose the result with "addexercices" at the end of the link. These are the exercices mentionned at lesson 8 if I'm not mistaken...
    -I have a question, how do you manage to be comitted enough ? I try to do the lessons at a rate of 1 lesson per day, but I procrastinate too much :(
    -Just to be sure, how do you visualize eyes open ? Do you look at the table (for example) doing the exercices as if you see the objects on the table, or do you "feel" like everything you want to visualize is in your head (so you would visualize exactly the same way whether you close your eyes or not) ? I'm still not sure on how to visualize and I would be happy if you helped me :)

  2. Hi!
    Thx for info about "pmemory psycho technical exercises".
    You know, I have not so hard tempo as you do - I am doing always one lesson for two days - because I don't care so much if I'll have a perfect memory in 60 or 120 days. As I read in the net, later is much, much easier (it takes around 60 minutes or so for one lesson)- so maybe then I'll get a little faster tempo. I think too strong one, like lesson a day, at the beginning is discouraging most of the people.
    - What is funny -> I have no motivation at all and also no exams, tests etc. :D I am doing it just for my pleasure and fun. And... (in my opinion)to procrastinate you also have to be motivated (!!!) to be unmotivated :P I am simply studying it everyday for just a little better result than day before.
    I visualize exactly the same way as I'd have my eyes closed. It's like in "Mario 64" game, hehe, where I'd be Mario and the cameraman, who was flying around his head, was the thing I'd visualize. Always remember - everything must be in detail, 3D,colorful and quite big. My "graphics" in my head was at the beginning was like in Minecraft game (I am using games as the example, because it is easy to check). Now it's much better, more real. So, good luck and see you on the other side :P

  3. Hi Yayaman,
    Thank you very much for helping me with my visualisation "problem". It will help me a lot, and thanks for your games examples :) And yes, you do 1 lesson per 2 days, but at least you are sure to be consistent and finish the course in the next 120 days. And you do it for fun, which is even better. :) I know that I am way less motivated than you, but if you keep updating this blog, it will motivate your readers, at least me ;) I won't post comments but I will follow your blog, it's very inspiring ;)
    Have a nice week :)


  4. nice journal.
